The Nurture Nook is a community space for ALL parents. It is our foundational belief that everyone deserves a positive and supported transition into parenthood. We are focused on improving the prenatal, birth, and postpartum experience by fostering a community rich with non-judgmental support. We strive to make families of diverse backgrounds, beliefs, experiences, and family structures comfortable and feel safe in our space.

To achieve a welcoming and supportive environment for all, we use inclusive language in our space, including birthing parent and pregnant person. We also recognize that systemic racism impacts birth preferences, experiences, and outcomes for non-white families, especially Black birthing people.

If you join our community (which we hope you will!), we request that you adhere to the following community guidelines:

  1. Treat everyone with respect and kindness. Individuals and families of all races and family structures are warmly welcomed in our community, including all members of the LGBTQ+ community.

  2. Remember that not everyone has the same birthing, feeding, and parenting preferences.

  3. Do not post pictures of other people or their babies and children on social media without permission.

  4. Words, jokes, and messages of hate towards any ethnic, racial, or social group, will not be tolerated at any time.

  5. Please stay home if you or your children are sick. Our community consists of immune-compromised individuals (including, but not limited to, newborns and those who are pregnant). We ask that children and adults who attend community gatherings and events at the Nurture Nook be fully vaccinated.

  6. No weapons of any kind are allowed in our space.